Lockdown 2 Day 2 – Frost

There’s been the first real frost, it’s going to be the end for the more delicate flowers. But they have been living on borrowed time. It means less colour in the garden, but the autumn leaves will make up for that. It’s also a sign for me to turn my attention to inside and let the garden rest. What sort of conditions will the perennial flowers wake to see next year? That is the question.

A Little Lupin – or day something of something

I am going to be going back to naming the posts after what they contain, all in favour say AYE….( aye aye aye – motion carried ). This dear reader is a Lupin, the sign of Summer , it even looks like an ice lolly ( I think so , but perhaps I have been locked inside for too long). I thought I would grab a picture of it now as I have a very active garden full of House Sparrows. They just love to jump over this plant and break leaves, flowers and stems off it. They do come in other colours but the ones in our garden , despite all coming from a mixed pack are all pink .

A trip to the woods

Well, not really the woods, the local nature reserve which is 5 minutes walk away. We don’t go there every day , we save it up for a weekly treat. The paths to this bit are very narrow and criss and cross so you can’t spot if someone is already on the path. Now before this embuggerance ( a word I am stealing from the late great Terry Pratchett ) came along, this wouldn’t matter , but as we have to be 2 meters apart from all human contact outside our own houses, this means that I would have to climb a tree to avoid breaking this rule. Hence the reason we only go once a week and early in the morning. ( That was far too long for one sentence , even with all those commas in it – must be becoming starved for social interaction !)

What I really wanted to say with this post was, nature isn’t cancelled , bird song isn’t cancelled , flowers aren’t cancelled , if you can go out and hug some trees today…I dare you….

Day 2 of Slightly Less of a Lockdown

Good grief that almost sounds like a Carry On Film.

The rock rose is in flower, always feel like this flower needs a jolly good ironing! It loves it’s current position of full sun and grows quickly to soon take over it’s little corner of the back flowerbed. This year it seems to have a tonnage of buds as well.

Today’s boredom buster , back to Retrogaming and came across this little gem of a game called Pssst, all about growing flowers. Don’t think it inspired my love of gardening , but I was certainly playing it on the good old ZX Spectrum in my youth.

Lockdown World Day 49

The latest in the line of windowledge plants, this time a pepper plant. Never have much luck with these , but who knows perhaps this will be a good year for them. Yesterday was a funny old day, brain fog early on and just general feeling of tiredness and not accomplishing much ( depsite doing laundry/ cooking/cleaning and all other carer duties). It’s got to be the general climate of uncertainess that is doing this ( and the fact I skipped my allergy tablet as well …whoops)

So recipe to beat bordeom today , how about a spot of weed identification ? https://www.rhs.org.uk/advice/beginners-guide/control-weeds

Lockdown World Day 48

Slight delay due to a Bank Holiday weekend, but returning once more with a picture of a baby Blackbird. We have two that are pretty constantly in the garden at the moment. So lovely to see and hear. Along with their parents that are desperately trying to find anything that will count as food for them.

Another little website I have discovered recently in my quest for yet more retrogaming ( or in my case , play for 5 minutes and realise that muscle pain is too great to play for any length of time) is this one https://gamesnostalgia.com/ . Fantastic selection of games on this one ( I’ve been attempting StoneKeep in my spare time and failing)

Lockdown World Day 41

Usually by now I’m off out in the woodlands/ green spaces and beaches taking photos. We still get the Gulls visit us at home though. This either fine specimen or pest ( depending on your view point) was in the garden today, in all honesty it’s never too far away. It can hear the shed door open and knows that we are about to refill the feeders. There isn’t too much it can get to so there is plenty for the smaller birds.