Bonus Post – Lockdown 2 Day 1

So in England we are waking up to Lockdown 2 – Day 1 , and like the first lockdown I will be changing my blog to share one positive image of my garden each day and to be a bit more chatty in my writing style.

I hope I can give my readers, where ever they are in the world , some small signs of hope in these strange times. Although on this bright and clear morning , nothing seems to have changed. The motorway is still humming, the local primary school is full of life and my patient’s hospital appointments are still going ahead. Even the garden centres are still emailing to say they are still open and to come and visit.

We are lucky in the south-west , cases are on the rise but not as fast as some areas and I worry about my friends in the south-east and the north. But in my mind I carry an image of next summer, walking along a beach in the warmth and being free, will that be a reality? Who knows, but for me it is the reality I am creating and sticking to.

We will get through this friends, until then, stay safe, stay sensible and be kind.


I moved the Echinacea last year and this year it has been flowering like mad, the insects really love this one and the colour is so beautiful. Now it lives in the centre flowerbed where it can show off to it’s hearts content.